Tag: sales (Page 2 of 2)

My Take on the Idea of Value Proposition

People will buy products that solve their problems and/or make their life better. 

That is for me the main idea on what’s an attractive value proposition and I could stop writing here. But as the basketball coach John Wooden said, “It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.” Let’s see how the customers evaluate a value proposition, make their decisions, and why this isn’t easy for them.

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When Can Companies Charge a Premium Price on Their Products?

Premium means more than just good quality. 

I remember going out with this girl a couple of years ago. She was really into fashion and always wore a stylish outfit. In a conversation, she was very excited to tell me that she was carrying her rare Louis Vuitton purse that day and the story behind that purchase. I know absolutely nothing about fashion, but I know these are not cheap. Sure, her purse looked good. But why was she so excited about it? Was it because of a unique design? Or extremely high-quality materials? What justifies the four-figure price tag? 

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6 Ways Technology Can Lead You to Massive Success

“Metaverse”, “Cloud Computing”, “Datafication”; these days, it feels like every other news article about business is trying to use as many technology keywords as possible. We hear about innovation and disruption in the entertainment, medicine, and transportation fields everyday. I’d say that half of the people using these buzzwords have no idea what they are talking about, but they feel they have to use them to sound smart. It is easy to get a sense of technology being important for businesses and entrepreneurs, including those operating online. A huge part of top companies are tech for certain reasons. Technologies and technical processes can create opportunities and improve operations. After all, the internet is the reason ecommerce exists in the first place. But technology can also kill businesses unwilling to adapt to the ever-changing environment. Let’s see how.

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How to Not Get Crushed When Competitors are Slashing Their Prices

We have all experienced this. Sales that previously looked great start to decrease month after month. Is it because of lower customer demand? Or is it due to issues with distributors? Perhaps there is something about the competitors’ landscape we did not notice? Seeing a new competitor enter your market is never a great experience, but realizing they offer similar products and services at a shockingly-low price is especially scary. But what should a company do after the initial panic?

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Don’t fall in the Trap of “Building Brand Awareness”

In the last few years, “brand awareness” became one of the most popular buzzwords in the digital marketing world. Every week, I receive marketing emails from digital consulting agencies telling me how they can help me “build brand awareness” or “increase brand awareness”. That sounds great on paper, and I think brand awareness can be a positive thing. However, what I’m seeing is that the necessity of building brand awareness has become overblown, especially for small niche businesses on a limited marketing budget. I wish I had time to ask these marketing agencies what they mean exactly by “increasing brand awareness”, and I suspect some of them are preying on businesses with limited knowledge of marketing strategy.

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Ecommerce sales funnels – Part 1

Let’s say you are single, and you are trying to meet your soulmate on a dating app. You see an attractive stranger, start a conversation, and within a few texts, they ask you to marry them. What are you going to do? Say “Yes”? Or block them and never talk to them again? You might think that it’s a weird way to start a conversation.

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