Tag: supply chain

A Fitting Room in the Post Office?  Why La Poste Latest Experiment Can Make Sense in Some Areas

I recently saw a news article about a surprising innovation in my home country: fitting rooms at the post office. What does fashion have to do with shipping packages? You guessed it, ecommerce returns. Why would I want to change and try on clothes in a post office? Well, in some cases it could make sense. Beyond the unique aspect of this move, I thought it was a good reminder of why local specificities still matter in an ever more connected ecommerce world.

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How Does Sustainable Ecommerce Affects Your Bottom Line?

The other day, I ordered a pack of two bottles of a health supplement I wanted to try. Two days later, I received a large cardboard box, inside of which was a smaller box between the bubble wrap. And guess what I found inside the small box? Each bottle was individually packaged in another box! It’s not like I ordered fancy crystal wine glasses; all of this packaging was protecting two small plastic bottles. I am grateful some companies are using more sustainable practices, and I am sure this excess use of packaging will make this company lose its most environmentally-conscious customers. But what can businesses do to minimize their impact on the environment? Besides the ethical issue, how does this affect their bottom line?

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