Tag: online shopping

Zombies and Witches Favor Online Shopping: How Spirit Halloween’s Online Strategy Meets Their Expectations

If you live close to a large city, you’ve probably seen all these Spirit Halloween stores popping up recently. It’s impossible to miss them with their bright orange signs. I find it impressive that a company can generate enough revenue during the Halloween season to have the resources to open all of these temporary locations. But what’s even more impressive is that, even when operating within such a short time frame, they place a heavy focus on the online experience.

Let’s see how this company operates and review some key parts of their online strategy. Spirit Halloween recently added some interesting shipping options and seems to perform well online. Halloween is certainly an interesting time of year for businesses, and I thought it would be insightful to examine one of these extremely seasonal businesses that succeed online.

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Forget Gen Z: Why Boomers are Obsessed with Shopping on Temu

When I first heard about Temu, my knee-jerk reaction was to think it would be a Shein for random items, from kitchenware to toys. I also thought the target audience would be similar, Gen Z, especially after I saw some young influencers showing off their “Temu hauls” on TikTok. 

Recent reports proved me wrong: Boomers placed on average 5.6 orders last year on Temu, while Gen Z only ordered 2.6 times.

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Indonesia’s Ban on Social Commerce : The Impact on Consumers and Social commerce Giants

Have you ever heard the term “TikTok brain”? Tiktok videos, reels, and other short formats are killing our attention span, and there is now a name for this phenomenon. In fact, nearly 50% of users surveyed by TikTok said that videos longer than a minute long were “stressful”. ONE minute is stressful now?! In addition to shrinking our attention spans, short videos are highly addictive, with the average TikTok user spending a whopping 95 minutes a day on the app. With this data in mind, it is no surprise that the recent TikTok ecommerce venture, TikTok Shops, is successful. But this success might be short-lived in some countries, with Indonesia very recently banning shopping transactions on social media apps.

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The Worst Product you Can Sell Online

Behind this provocative title, I want to highlight a grim reality in the ecommerce world: too many unsuccessful entrepreneurs are actually trying to trade commodities on Amazon. You probably know that commodities are products like steel, sand, or oil. But if you think about it, many products sold to online consumers are close to being commodities. And being a commodity seller isn’t where you want to be as an ecommerce entrepreneur. Let’s see why.

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Do You Need a Shopping App for Your Business? (Answer: Probably Not)

“Everyone is glued to their phones these days.” We’ve all heard that dozens of times, yet it is more true than ever. Smartphones are a big part of our lives, and we now have the ability to shop online from anywhere at any time. Technology creates massive business opportunities, and entrepreneurs will always take advantage of it. In the ecommerce space, there are now thousands of mobile shopping apps available for download. As an entrepreneur, you’ll find many people recommending that every online business should have its own app. So, should you jump on the bandwagon, or would creating a mobile app be nothing more than a huge waste of time and money?

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