When I moved to Dallas from overseas years ago, I remember renting a truck and driving around the city to pick up cheap furniture at IKEA and from Craigslist to fill my apartment. While I was able to find some good deals, I also remember how sore my back was the next day from moving and carrying heavy stuff all day.

If I had to do it again today, I would take advantage of all the amazing advances made in e-commerce to order most of the furniture online. It is estimated that the global market for furniture will reach $873 billion by 2030, with 35% coming from online purchases.

Companies like Wayfair saw a boom in sales during the pandemic. While revenues are down compared to their peak, Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft increased its price objective for Wayfair from $63.00 to $79.00. So how come people buy more and more furniture over the internet? And, what are some products available for purchase today that were merely a dream a decade ago?

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