Category: Marketing (Page 2 of 2)

When Can Companies Charge a Premium Price on Their Products?

Premium means more than just good quality. 

I remember going out with this girl a couple of years ago. She was really into fashion and always wore a stylish outfit. In a conversation, she was very excited to tell me that she was carrying her rare Louis Vuitton purse that day and the story behind that purchase. I know absolutely nothing about fashion, but I know these are not cheap. Sure, her purse looked good. But why was she so excited about it? Was it because of a unique design? Or extremely high-quality materials? What justifies the four-figure price tag? 

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How Does Sustainable Ecommerce Affects Your Bottom Line?

The other day, I ordered a pack of two bottles of a health supplement I wanted to try. Two days later, I received a large cardboard box, inside of which was a smaller box between the bubble wrap. And guess what I found inside the small box? Each bottle was individually packaged in another box! It’s not like I ordered fancy crystal wine glasses; all of this packaging was protecting two small plastic bottles. I am grateful some companies are using more sustainable practices, and I am sure this excess use of packaging will make this company lose its most environmentally-conscious customers. But what can businesses do to minimize their impact on the environment? Besides the ethical issue, how does this affect their bottom line?

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Social Factors and Business Opportunities for Ecommerce Entrepreneurs

I recently purchased a Fitbit watch, and I fell in love with it. I now spend more time tracking my heart rate and sleep patterns and finding ways to “improve” my scores. Maybe I am a fitness nerd, but I find all this data and fancy reports addicting. But why did I buy this watch in the first place? In my last two articles, I talked about how politics and inflation affect business and Ecommerce strategies. Today, I want to discuss the impact of societal factors and give a few examples of opportunities they have created over the last few years.

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Don’t fall in the Trap of “Building Brand Awareness”

In the last few years, “brand awareness” became one of the most popular buzzwords in the digital marketing world. Every week, I receive marketing emails from digital consulting agencies telling me how they can help me “build brand awareness” or “increase brand awareness”. That sounds great on paper, and I think brand awareness can be a positive thing. However, what I’m seeing is that the necessity of building brand awareness has become overblown, especially for small niche businesses on a limited marketing budget. I wish I had time to ask these marketing agencies what they mean exactly by “increasing brand awareness”, and I suspect some of them are preying on businesses with limited knowledge of marketing strategy.

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